I am very impressed by the Ir Amin organization; I find that their mission very much agrees with my consideration of the conflict. Specifically, I agree with the necessity of a multi-faceted approach. Activism alone cannot solve all issues. Of course, establishing equality or protesting measures that enforce inequality should always be a priority; however, such action should not be a
sole priority. One can shout from the rooftops constantly, but if the context of the message is not understood, then the message itself is lost. Therefore, education aimed at establishing a full context is necessary. To this end, Ir Amin's educational programs, such as study tours, lectures, etc, represent a crucial and absolutely necessary aspect of conflict resolution. Only when individuals are on equal planes can true dialogue emerge. Of course, it may or may not be possible to raise East Jerusalem's economic/political status to equal elevation (I appreciate Ir Amin's attempts, though); however, establishing equal visibility and awareness through education can serve as a solid substitute.
With regards to Sheikh Jarrah - I truly believe that establishing commonality through solidarity is the most effective method for resolution. Solidarity removes the "us vs. them" or "otherness" that has plagued the conflict for decades. Only through removing arbitrary boundaries (ethnicity, religion, politics) and replacing them with concrete realities (common humanity, shared geographic location) can progress be made. Finally, solidarity movements unequivocally destroy divisive rhetoric; these movements offer concrete evidence that two "incompatible" peoples can coexist.
Despite unprecedented domestic and global opposition to continued settlements, the Israeli government is still approving new construction sites. Do you see these new settlements as last-ditch efforts, sort of a "night is darkest before dawn", or does the new construction represent a regression? That is, is the Israeli government purposely polarizing the issue as a means to consolidate support and continue such actions?
I also agree that it is necessary to have a holistic activism approach in Jerusalem. I have always believed that education is the fundamental base of change. Protesting is a politically important tool, but education and dialogue will improve the reality of today and tomorrow.